Working with Multiple Customers
If your account has access to a number of customer accounts, Partner Central shows you licenses owned by customers. By default, these are the licenses of the current customer. The name of the current customer is displayed at the top left of the screen. All information on the tabs Home, Manage Licenses, Product Configuration, and Reports is related to the current customer.
Setting up the Scope of License Search
When searching the list of licenses for a certain license, you can choose the scope of the search - licenses of all customers or the current customer.
To view and search the list of licenses owned by all customers:
On the Manage Licenses tab, select All customers in the list next to the search box.
Note: Even if the scope of the search is All customers, the predefined filters on the left pane always show information related to the current customer.
To view and search the list of licenses owned by the current customer:
On the Manage Licenses tab, select Current customer in the list next to the search box.
Changing the Current Customer
The quick way to change the current customer is to select the name of the required customer in the drop-down box at the top left of the screen. To do this, click the box and type the customer’s name (or the first few letters) in the search box that appears below. Then press Enter or click the search icon. If more than ten customers are found, you can view them all by clicking the link Go to Accounts to see more results.
Another way to change the current customer is by using the Accounts tab:
In the list of accounts. Go to the Accounts tab > Find the
required customer’s account > Click the icon
in order to set this customer as the current customer.
- In the account details screen. Go to the Accounts tab > Find the customer’s account and click the corresponding Name > Click the button Set as Current Customer.
Note: If you have a large number of customers, you can search for a specific customer.