The admin_alias CL utility is used to manage additional Administrator-level accounts.

By using this utility, you can perform the following tasks:

  • creating additional Administrator accounts
  • enabling and disabling access to Plesk for additional Administrator accounts
  • updating additional Administrator account preferences
  • removing additional Administrator accounts




admin_alias <command> [<login_name>] [
<option_1> [<param>]
[<option_2> [<param>]]
... [<option_N> [<param>]]


The following command creates the additional Administrator account with the contact name John Doe, Plesk login name JDoe, password sample, and account’s email address

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --create JDoe -passwd sample -contact 'John Doe' -email


Command Parameter Description Example
--create or -c <login>

Creates an additional Administrator account.

Requires -email and -passwd options.

To create the account with the login name JDoe, password sample, and the account’s e-mail address

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --create JDoe -passwd sample -email


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -c JDoe -passwd sample -email

--update or -u <login> Updates additional Administrator account settings.

To change the login name from JDoe to John and set the password to 12345:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -login John -passwd 12345


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -u JDoe -login John -passwd 12345

--remove or -r <login> Removes additional Administrator account.

To remove the account with the login name JDoe:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --remove JDoe


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -r JDoe

--info or -i <login> Displays additional Administrator account preferences.

To retrieve preferences of the account with the login name JDoe:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --info JDoe


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -i JDoe

--xml-info or -xi <login> Displays Administrator account preferences in the XML format.

To view information about JDoe in the XML format:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --xml-info JDoe


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -xi JDoe

--list or -l   Lists login names of additional Administrator accounts.

To list accounts login names:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --list


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -l

--help or -h   Displays help on the utility usage.

To view help on the use of this utility:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --help


plesk bin admin_alias.exe -h


Option Parameter Description Example
-login <string>

Specifies new Plesk login name for an additional Administrator account.

Used with the --update command only.

To update the account name from JDoe to John:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -login John

-passwd <string>

Specifies Plesk password for an additional Administrator account.

Required with the --create command.

To set the JDoe account password to 54321:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -passwd 54321

-email <email@domain>

Specifies additional Administrator account email address.

Required with the --create command.

To set email address of JDoe to

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -email

-enabled true|false

Defines if an additional Administrator account can access Plesk.

Is true by default.

To disable access to Plesk for JDoe:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -enabled false

-contact <string> Specifies an additional Administrator’s contact name.

To set the JDoe contact name to John Doe:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -contact "John Doe"

-comment <string> Specifies information about an additional Administrator account and its user.

To update comment on JDoe account:

plesk bin admin_alias.exe --update JDoe -comment 'Administrator John Doe'